UMass Amherst chemists, electrical engineers use computing facilities at the MGHPCC to identify new variable for material design.
UMass Amherst chemists, electrical engineers use computing facilities at the MGHPCC to identify new variable for material design.
Below is a selection of papers that appeared in June 2019 reporting the results of research using the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), or acknowledging the use of Harvard's Odyssey Cluster, Northeastern's Discovery Cluster, and the Boston University Shared Computing Cluster all of which are housed at the MGHPCC.
Reporting by Helen Hill for MGHPCC News MGHPCC industry partner Silicon Therapeutics’ innovative research uses the Center’s facilities to host its physics-based simulation platform for advanced drug discovery and design.
The Northeast Research and Education Network's Spring 2019 seminar was held April 5 at the Providence Marriott.
Total Awards Top $50k, Part of Broader Collaboration on Education & Workforce Development.
Below is a selection of papers that appeared in May 2019 reporting the results of research using the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), or acknowledging the use of Harvard's Odyssey Cluster, Northeastern's Discovery Cluster, and the Boston University Shared Computing Cluster all of which are housed at the MGHPCC.
Event features featured speakers from leading research and education institutes across the region.
Below is a selection of papers that appeared in April 2019 reporting the results of research using the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), or acknowledging the use of Harvard's Odyssey Cluster, Northeastern's Discovery Cluster, and the Boston University Shared Computing Cluster all of which are housed at the MGHPCC.
Partnerships Support Trend of Increased Collaboration and Knowledge Transfer between Industry and Public High Performance Computing Centers Holyoke, Massachusetts, April 29, 2019 – Reflecting a national trend of increased collaboration between industry and high performance computing centers, three Massachusetts-based biotechnology companies have engaged the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) to enable their leading-edge work, […]
by Helen Hill for MGHPCC News Designing plasma-facing components (PFCs) that can tolerate the extreme heat and particle flux exposure conditions inside a fusion reactor core is one of the major obstacles toward the practical realization of nuclear fusion. Dimitrios Maroudas, a Professor in the Chemical Engineering Department at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, uses MGHPCC […]
By Helen Hill for MGHPCC News The MGHPCC Supercloud, operated by MIT Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center (LLSC) is a facility intended to be of particular use to people who need to transition from their desktop workstation to a high performance computing cluster in order to solve larger or more complex problems, but do not have […]
President of Boston University and Chair of the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center writing today in the Boston Business Journal.
The Computer Science Teachers Association Western Mass chapter hosted a free workshop for teachers on Microsoft MakeCode for Minecraft on December 15 at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center.
Holyoke Codes ran a Cyber Security Workshop for Girls Inc. on Saturday, December 8th, 2018 for Computer Science Education Week. The workshop was attended by 21 middle school aged girls, members of The Girls Inc. Eureka Program Rookies group. Eureka! Scholars spend time on the UMass Amherst campus and elsewhere, experiencing lab-based activities in science, […]
With the closure of Holyoke's Paper City Brewing in 2017, the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center and its neighbors are excited to welcome a new small batch brewing company to Race Street. Read more at MASS Live
The world is in the midst of a data revolution. In response the five universities that form the MGHPCC consortium have each initiated a new data science institute, initiative or program, but how and where to store all that big data? The Northeast Storage Exchange (NESE) is a shared regional storage resource funded by the […]
by Helen Hill | MGHPCC News MGHPCC affiliated teams from Northeastern University and UMass Boston battle for cluster building supremacy at annual HPC competition.
Helen Hill | MGHPCC News A Q&A about the new research computing Q&A tool being developed in collaboration with the MGHPCC
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