MGHPCC and Holyoke Codes will partner with researchers from UMass Amherst and Elms College. Read this story via UMass News
MGHPCC and Holyoke Codes will partner with researchers from UMass Amherst and Elms College. Read this story via UMass News
by Helen Hill for MGHPCC News Grant Wilson is a professor of astronomy at Umass Amherst. Wilson’s research lies at the intersection of new cameras and telescopes that operate at millimeter and submillimeter (mm/submm) wavelengths and the science enabled by them; science with the potential to shed new light on how galaxies and the stars […]
This year's Holyoke Innovation Week (HIW, April 22-29, 2018) marked the 5th anniversary of the Holyoke Innovation District (HID).
Unique camp experience “Holyoke Codes & Rows Summer Program” seeks to inspire lifelong physical fitness
Pushing performance through computer architecture and algorithm development. By Helen Hill for MGHPCC David Kaeli heads the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Research (NUCAR) Laboratory, a group focused on the performance and design of high-performance computer systems and software.
Participants Invited to Name Platform Designed for Academic Researchers.
Katia Oleinik is manager of scientific programming and applications at MGHPCC founding partner Boston University. There she leads a group of software engineers who support researchers with computation needs. In this recent article in the Boston Globe she talked about her work and the special challenges the job has helped her overcome.
HOLYOKE, Mass., June 25, 2018 — The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) announced today that it will participate in a data storage network that will enable academic researchers to process and share data more efficiently across the country. The Open Storage Network (OSN) is being funded by a $1.8 million grant from the […]
Event featured speakers from NSF, research and educational leaders across the region.
Code Week hosted at the MGHPCC brings a coding and robotics experience to all seventh and eighth grade students in the Holyoke Public School system.
AMHERST, Mass. – Geoscientist Haiying Gao, a seismologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, recently received a five-year, $525,800 faculty early career development (CAREER) grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to model and compare five subduction zones across the globe where large earthquakes have occurred, for the first time characterizing their fundamental differences and […]
by Helen Hill for MGHPCC A team from the University of Maine uses a Northeast Cyberteam Program seed grant to upgrade a public climate data visualisation tool developed at the U Maine Climate Change Institute.
The Northeast Research and Education Network's Spring 2018 seminar was held April 6 at Markley's One Summer Street, Boston, MA location.
Holyoke Codes explores computational molecular biophysics with Northeastern University Professor of Physics Paul Whitford.
Jon Machta, an emeritus professor of physics at UMass Amherst, works in the area of theoretical condensed matter and statistical physics. Statistical physicists use probability theory to study behavior of many-particle systems whose exact microscopic state is uncertain. Current research in his group involves theoretical and computational studies of spin and fluid systems, synchrony in […]
On December 9, 2017, Holyoke Codes held a Computer Science Education Week Cyber Security workshop for the Girls Inc. Eureka Program. Eureka! Scholars spend time on the UMass Amherst campus and elsewhere, experiencing lab-based activities in science, technology, engineering and math. In this workshop, a group of 22 middle and high school aged girls learned […]
Holyoke Codes, launched in December 2014 as part of Computer Science Education Week, is a collaborative partnership of the MGHPCC; Girls Inc. of Holyoke; Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education; New England Regional Developers; Sweet and Fizzy. Educators, computer science and IT professionals develop and teach our workshops, which provide hands-on experiences for kids and […]
Originating in May 2017, the Northeast Cyberteam Initiative is a 3-year NSF-funded effort to build a regional pool of Research Computing Facilitators to support researchers at small and mid-sized institutions in Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont. In this video, executive director John Goodhue discusses the program. Read this story at MassLive
Paul Whitford is an assistant professor of physics at Northeastern University. He uses high performance computing to study the dynamics of biological systems to understand the physical principles that govern the dynamics of cells.
The technical committee of the 2018 IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ’18 to be held in the Greater Boston Area, Massachusetts, USA, 25 – 27 September, 2018) seeks new presentations.