Enhanced “Holyoke Codes” program runs April 25 – June 9, 2016 at the MGHPCC
Enhanced “Holyoke Codes” program runs April 25 – June 9, 2016 at the MGHPCC
UMass Dartmouth’s Center for Scientific Computing & Visualization Research (CSCVR) organizes and hosts “HPC Day 2016”
A new Boston University study utilizing computing resources housed at MGHPCC provides insight on the potential role played by RNA (ribonucleic acid) editing in cancer.
Northeastern's Prof. Paul Whitford uses the Discovery Cluster housed at MGHPCC to identify a novel motion within the ribosome.
HOLYOKE, Mass. (WWLP) – Holyoke is working to become a center of arts and science, with the help of high powered support from Washington D.C. More via News 22 wwlp.com
Explore the 2015 Harvard Sustainability Report to learn about MGHPCC's role in helping the University transform its campus into a "healthier, more resilient community focused on well-being." Read the complete report at http://report.green.harvard.edu
Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC Head blight caused by Fusarium graminearum threatens worldwide wheat production, resulting in both yield loss and mycotoxin contamination. Molecular biologists at UMass Amherst are using MGHPCC to understand pathogenicity at the systems level with the goal of developing novel disease control strategies.
In this video Mayor Alex Morse reflects on the evolution of the area known as the Holyoke Innovation District, an area of downtown Holyoke that includes and surrounds the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing District. Holyoke Innovation District - Video from MassLive Read the accompanying story at Mass Live
HOLYOKE -- The increasing dependence on fast, reliable internet service and the future of such broadband infrastructure in the Pioneer Valley will be topics of a workshop here Wednesday April 13, 2016. The Holyoke Innovation District will present "A Broadband Workshop: Maximizing Utilization of the Pioneer Valley's Broadband Infrastructure" from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. […]
HOLYOKE — It’s been a tough slough for this city on the Connecticut River ever since the last of the mills left in the 1990s. But when five universities and two high-tech companies opened a supercomputing center less than four years ago, there were hopes that others would also see Holyoke’s potential. Some have. Read […]
Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center recognized as a piece of the Holyoke development jigsaw. Read this story via businesswest.com
Mixing nanoparticles to build organic solar cells and other ion-transporting materials. Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC UMass Amherst chemist Dr. Dhandapani Venkataraman and his group are developing a new concept that assembles nanoparticle Lego-like building blocks (<100 nm in size) into new and innovative materials like solar cells, batteries, paints, sensors, and smart and […]
There's a reason why the MGHPCC is where it is and it has a lot to do with one particular piece of infrastructure: The Hoyoke Hydroelectric Dam. Holyoke will celebrate the foresight that led to its construction, the associated system of canals and their ongoing benefits to the city of Holyoke on "Infrastructure Day" May […]
Located in the grounds of the MGHPCC, “Mass Net Zero Data Center” will facilitate research into minimizing environmental impact of high energy-using computer centers.
UMass Amherst researcher Prashant Shenoy has long utilized MGHPCC to help local utilities develop algorithms geared to providing power more efficiently to customers. As part of the recently announced statewide Energy Extension Initiative to be housed at UMass Amherst, Shenoy and his colleagues propose to design an automated system to collect and centrally store all […]
Massachusetts plans to revise how it captures and shares public health data, with a focus on using the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center, a $165 million high-performance computing facility in Holyoke. Read this story in Boston Business Journal.
Reflecting on progress towards the MGHPCC's mission. Read this story from UMass On the Move.
Local elementary & middle school students solved problems, designied projects & expressed themselves creatively all the while exploring computer programming during a week of fun coding activities.
Cloud computing is everywhere. Smart phones, social media, on-line stores and other digital devices all know something about us...