The Republican The Republican
In a CNN survey of the 10 most inventive states in the nation, the MGHPCC project gets star billing. Read more at
More coverage of Wednesday's annual meeting of the Holyoke Innovation District Task Force
State secretary of housing and economic development Gregory P. Bialecki was in Holyoke Wednesday for the Innovation Task Force Annual Meeting. The task force is making sure Holyoke takes full advantage of the $95 million Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center.
Further local coverage of UMass President Caret's recent tour. Holyoke Sun
Construction pictures from the Bigelow Street site The grass is up, the sidewalks are in and everything stands just about ready for the ribbon cutting next month. The outdoor transformers are in place. The chillers are all plumbed in.The flywheels that store energy to protect against power outages are ready. The computer room is all […]
UMASS President Robert Caret took a tour of MGHPCC Monday as part of a 4 day statewide tour. Read this story at
The MGHPCC consortium hosted a workshop, held on September 14, 2012 at the Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science and Engineering at Boston University, to provide an overview and update of the MGHPCC, short talks by 2011 MGHPCC seed-fund recipients, and an overview and discussion of the 2012 seed-fund program.
The Holyoke Community College Foundation has been awarded a $200,000 grant from Urban Research Park CDE to launch a technology career pathways program in partnership with Dean Technical High School and the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center. Read this story at
Construction pictures from the Bigelow Street site With a little rain, this month should see a strong uptick "greening" of the Bigelow site. September sees a burst of further greening, as the grass goes in: As a renovated brown field site, MGHPCC takes pride in the changes it has brought to Bigelow Street. What used […]
Construction pictures from the Bigelow Street site This month sees the beginning of training, as Turner prepares to hand off to MGHPCC. Wiring, testing, and tweaking continue as the 10MW computer facility draws nearer to completion. The glass is in at the front. Optical fiber is being installed to pipe all those numbers our users […]
Engaging middle school minds in STEM with a bit of HPC Could a facility like the MGHPCC have a role in K-12 education? That is the question that a team from UMass Amherst, MIT and the Holyoke and Springfield middle schools have been investigating. Supported by a joint MIT and UMass Amherst grant from NSF, […]
Holyoke Girls Inc. visits MGHPCC by Helen Hill Girls Inc., is a nationwide nonprofit dedicated to encouraging girls to be "strong, smart, and, bold". The July 19 visit by girls and their mentors from the local Holyoke chapter provided the 8 teens who participated a unique opportunity to learn about the MGHPCC facility as well […]
Construction pictures from the Bigelow Street site As the racks are brought in, arranged, and hooked up to the various cooling, power and data services, the computer room is quickly beginning to take shape. Four hundred cabinets (each the size of a large capacity upright refrigerator) are being grouped into sets of 20, arranged with […]
"Monday, crews were hard at work installing the cabinets that will house the data machines and computers at the facility." Watch a video from NBC Station WWWLP
"Today we received a shipment of 27. That's 27 out of a total of 400 racks that will be delivered for this part of the project," said Sullivan McLaughlin Companies' Construction Foreman Will Tripp. CBS3 Springfield
High Performance Computing Center Touts Energy, Security Innovations. BusinessWest
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center is designed with features that make it one of the most energy-efficient and environmentally sensitive data centers around.
“Today, we’re approaching the final leg of the project. We’re starting to bring in all the computer cabinets. There’s several hundred of them,” says project manager Van Duros. WGGB-DT 40 Springfield (ABC) / 6 (Fox)