MGHPCC's neighbour: Holyoke's new Arts and Innovation District, features 24 emerging and growing creative and industrial arts businesses and residential developments. Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
MGHPCC's neighbour: Holyoke's new Arts and Innovation District, features 24 emerging and growing creative and industrial arts businesses and residential developments. Massachusetts Technology Collaborative
The first video in a new series profiling MGHPCC seed fund collaborations by Helen Hill The MGHPCC seed fund is allowing Alfredo Alexander Katz (Material Science, MIT) and Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Quantum Chemistry, Harvard) to combine computational techniques from materials science with computational thinking from quantum chemistry. In this video Alfredo and Alán describe more about […]
MGHPCC collaborator Big Data Informatics Initiative awarded $136,250: President Robert L. Caret today announced nearly $750,000 in grants to faculty members from the President's Science and Technology Initiatives Fund. UMASS News
From his office at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, John Goodhue oversees what is widely seen as one of the most important computing operations in the state — one that’s halfway across the state in Holyoke. Boston Business Journal
"With the construction of a new $168 million high-performance computing center in Holyoke, what does it mean for the Paper City?" WGBY
Construction pictures from the Bigelow Street site The delivery of top-soil to allow for landscaping of the site is a welcome sign as spring gives way to early summer. Inside the computer room has filled with hot-aisles and cold-aisles, drops and cable tray. Even HG&E's Skinner generator shed is getting a small facelift. The power is […]
A multi-institutional Massachusetts computer center tests out terascale computing—and the social engineering needed to use it . IEEE Spectrum
Construction pictures from the Bigelow Street site With the exterior essentially complete, the construction story is all about what's going on, on the inside. The chilled water piping that will keep everything cool is spaghetti-ing everywhere along with IT infrastructure and ductwork. In the data hall, the computer switchboards around the perimeter of the space […]
Part II in a series documenting the MGHPCC building by Helen Hill Following on where Under the Hood – Part I: The Ground Floor left off, in this video, the MEP (mechanical, electrical and plumbing) manager for the MGHPCC construction project, Greg Webster (Turner Construction) narrates a second virtual tour of the building, this time […]
Job Corps, a no-cost education and career technical training program administered by the U.S. Department of Labor, helps young people ages 16 through 24 improve the quality of their lives through career technical and academic training. On April 11, a group from Westover Job Corps Center, Chicopee, took a tour of the MGHPCC site.
Going green not just for the enterprise anymore: With little creativity, high performance data centers can rise to the challenge and attain a low carbon footprint while minimizing costs. SearchDataCenter
Construction pictures from the Bigelow Street site What a difference a few windows make? While most of the MGHPCC facility is window-free, the view from the administrative wing above the main entrance is a gem, looking out towards City Hall and downtown Holyoke, just a couple of blocks away. We're also getting a Spring site-makeover, […]
Turner's Youthforce 2020 Program at MGHPCC by Helen Hill Since January, Turner Construction has been running, a two-weekly, 10 session after school program for vocational high-school students at the MGHPCC job-site. As part of its national Youthforce 2020 program, designed to encourage kindergarten through high school students to consider careers in technical fields from construction to […]
"When one of the world’s most ambitious university computer centers opens later this year, it will be a “green” facility—green in its environmental creed and green in its bottom line, too." IEEE Spectrum
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Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Department Office of Governor Deval L. Patrick Press Release