MIT chemical engineers designed an environmentally friendly alternative to the microbeads used in some health and beauty products.
MIT chemical engineers designed an environmentally friendly alternative to the microbeads used in some health and beauty products.
New dataset of “illusory” faces reveals differences between human and algorithmic face detection, links to animal face recognition, and a formula predicting where people most often perceive faces.
Tenth anniversary of MGHPCC-affiliated Boston Green Team sees a return to in-person cluster-racing
UMass, Harvard, MIT and others see growing the high-performance computer center in Holyoke as key to their academic research.
Data Center Booth Will Illustrate Diversity of Research Hosted by MGHPCC
MGHPCC partner the NSF FABRIC project seeks to support a wide variety of cyberinfrastructure research activities aimed at reimagining what the future internet may do for distributed protocols, systems, cybersecurity, and science applications.
Project Represents $5 Million Investment by MIT, Harvard, BU, Northeastern, and UMass
Lincoln Laboratory Supercomputing Center dataset aims to accelerate AI research into managing and optimizing high-performance computing systems.
The 26th Annual IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC ’22) will be held as a virtual conference on Sept. 19 – 23, 2022.
URI’s connection to Mass. high-performance computing center powers advanced research.
MGHPCC contributes to three ERN papers outlining projects seeking to increase cooperation on technical, policy, and business issues while lowering barriers to broader access.
Universities make major investments in Unity Cluster
A nearly $1 million award to build new cyberinfrastructure will expand UMS access to scientific data, expertise, and learning opportunities across New England and beyond.
New body will grow and enhance computing infrastructure and services for MIT’s research community.
The new facility builds on a long-standing collaboration between BU and the commonwealth, that includes the construction in Holyoke, with several other partners, of the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center.
NSF-Funded $10 Million MATCH Project Will Ensure CI Support Services Keep Pace with Academic Scientific Research
New GPU cluster, housed at the MGHPCC, will support artificial intelligence, computer vision and natural language processing research and education.