
December Publications

January 3, 2023

Conditional Generative Modeling? Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy? Stressed Polycrystalline Thin Films? This month's selection of publications featuring research using the MGHPCC.

I. Abramovic et al (2022), Data-driven model discovery for plasma turbulence modelling, J. Plasma. Phys., doi: 10.1017/S0022377822001192

Anurag Ajay et al (2022), Is Conditional Generative Modeling all you Need for Decision-making? arXiv:2211.15657 [cs.LG]

Cooper Cone et al (2022), Reward Function Optimization of a Deep Reinforcement Learning Collision Avoidance System, arXiv: 2212.00855 [cs.AI]

Amaya Daigavane et al (2022), Learning Integrable Dynamics with Action-Angle Networks, arXiv: 2211.15338 [cs.LG]

Matthew H. Doran et al (2022), Myosin loop-4 is critical for optimal tropomyosin repositioning on actin during muscle activation and relaxation, Journal of General Physiology, doi: 10.1085/jgp.202213274

Chenru Duan et al (2022), Active Learning Exploration of Transition-Metal Complexes to Discover Method-Insensitive and Synthetically Accessible Chromophores, Journal of the American Chemical Society, doi: 10.1021/jacsau.2c00547

A. Ashtari Esfahani et al (2022), Tritium Beta Spectrum and Neutrino Mass Limit from Cyclotron Radiation Emission Spectroscopy, arXiv: 2212.05048 [nucl-ex]

Cecilia Garraffo et al (2022), Revisiting the space weather environment of Proxima Centauri b, arXiv: 2211.15697 [astro-ph.SR]

Andre Grossi e Fonseca et al (2022), Quasicrystalline Weyl points and dense Fermi–Bragg arcs, arXix: 2211.14299 [cond-mat.mes-hall]

Dominick P. Guida et al (2022), Discharge intermittency considerably changes ZnO spatial distribution in porous Zn anodes, Journal of Power Sources, doi: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2022.232460

Iksung Kang et al (2022), Attentional Ptycho-Tomography (APT) for three-dimensional nanoscale X-ray imaging with minimal data acquisition and computation time, arXiv: 2212.00014 [eess.IV]

Samuel Kim et al (2022), Automated Discovery and Optimization of 3D Topological Photonic Crystals, arXiv: 2211.16560 [physics.optics]

Shelley L. Kuth et al (2022), The Multi-Tier Assistance, Training, and Computational Help (MATCH) Project, a Track 2 NSF ACCESS Initiative, Journal of Computational Science Education, doi: 10.22369/issn.2153-4136/13/2/4

Christopher M. Lemon et al (2022), Solvent-Induced Spin-State Change in Copper Corroles, Inorganic Chemistry, doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c02678

Christopher M. Lemon et al (2022), Ag(III)···Ag(III) Argentophilic Interaction in a Cofacial Corrole Dyad, Inorganic Chemistry, doi: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c02285

Soon Wei Daniel Lim et al (2022), Point singularity array with metasurfaces, arXiv: 2211.15012

Y. Ling et al (2022), Wall-modeled large-eddy simulation based on building-block flows, arXiv: 2212.05120 [physics.flu-dyn]

Runze Liu et al (2022), Experimental and Computational Evaluation of Self-Assembled Morphologies in Diblock Janus Bottlebrush Copolymers, Nano Letters, doi: 10.1021/acs.nanolett.2c03927

Neha Makhija and Wolfgang Gatterbauer (2022), A Unified Approach for Resilience and Causal Responsibility with Integer Linear Programming (ILP) and LP Relaxations, arXiv: 2212.08898 [cs.DB]

Gabriel B. Margolis and Pulkit Agrawal (2022), Walk These Ways: Tuning Robot Control for Generalization with Multiplicity of Behavior, arXiv: 2212.03238 [cs.RO]

A. Matthews et al (2022), Deep Electric Field Predictions by Drift-Reduced Braginskii Theory with Plasma-Neutral Interactions Based on Experimental Images of Boundary Turbulence, Physical Review Letters, doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.235002

A. F. da Mota and H. Mosallaei (2022), Enhanced quantum efficiency and Purcell factor of incoherent light-emitting source modulators coupled with nanoantennas: DDA modeling and optimization, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, doi: 10.1364/JOSAB.476746

Marku Nyevel R. Perez et al (2022), Quantum spin Hall insulating phase and van Hove singularities in Zintl single-quintuple-layer AM2X2 (A=Ca, Sr, or Ba; M=Zn or Cd; X=Sb or Bi) family, Applied Physics Reviews, doi: 10.1063/5.0071687

Carlo Rizza et al (2022), Extreme Optical Anisotropy in the Type-II Dirac Semimetal NiTe2 for Applications to Nanophotonics, ACS Applied Nano Materials, doi: 10.1021/acsanm.2c04340

Andrew K. Saydjari et al (2022), Measuring the 8621 ˚A Diffuse Interstellar Band in Gaia DR3 RVS Spectra: Obtaining a Clean Catalog by Marginalizing over Stellar Types, arXiv: 2212.03879 [astro-ph.GA]

Thijs Stuyver et al (2022), Reaction profiles for quantum chemistry-computed [3 + 2] cycloaddition reactions, arXiv: 2212.06014 [physics.chem-ph]

Thijs Stuyver et al (2022), Machine learning-guided computational screening of new bio-orthogonal click reactions, arXiv: 2212.07621 [physics.chem-ph]

Long hin Tang et al (2022), Integrability and quench dynamics in the spin-1 central spin XX model, arXiv: 2212.04477 [cond-mat.str-el]

Mengyuan Wang et al (2022), Emergent grain boundary phases in stressed polycrystalline thin films, arXiv: 2212.06789 []

Kyoungwan Woo and Achyuta Rajaram (2022), FREDSR: Fourier Residual Efficient Diffusive GAN for Fast Single Image Super Resolution, arXiv: 2211.16678

Zhang Q. et al (2022), Agent-based modeling of the effects of conservation policies on social-ecological feedbacks between cropland abandonment and labor migration, Landscape Ecology, doi: 10.1007/s10980-022-01575-w

Yilin Zhu et al (2022), Design of ultracompact broadband focusing spectrometers based on diffractive optical networks, Optics Letters, doi: 10.1364/OL.475375

Do you have news about research using computing resources at the MGHPCC? If you have an interesting project that you want to tell people about or a paper you would like listed, contact 


MGHPCC Publications

Research projects

A Future of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Yale Budget Lab
Volcanic Eruptions Impact on Stratospheric Chemistry & Ozone
The Rhode Island Coastal Hazards Analysis, Modeling, and Prediction System
Towards a Whole Brain Cellular Atlas
Tornado Path Detection
The Kempner Institute - Unlocking Intelligence
The Institute for Experiential AI
Taming the Energy Appetite of AI Models
Surface Behavior
Studying Highly Efficient Biological Solar Energy Systems
Software for Unreliable Quantum Computers
Simulating Large Biomolecular Assemblies
SEQer - Sequence Evaluation in Realtime
Revolutionizing Materials Design with Computational Modeling
Remote Sensing of Earth Systems
QuEra at the MGHPCC
Quantum Computing in Renewable Energy Development
Pulling Back the Quantum Curtain on ‘Weyl Fermions’
New Insights on Binary Black Holes
Network Attached FPGAs in the OCT
Monte Carlo eXtreme (MCX) - a Physically-Accurate Photon Simulator
Modeling Hydrogels and Elastomers
Modeling Breast Cancer Spread
Measuring Neutrino Mass
Investigating Mantle Flow Through Analyses of Earthquake Wave Propagation
Impact of Marine Heatwaves on Coral Diversity
IceCube: Hunting Neutrinos
Genome Forecasting
Global Consequences of Warming-Induced Arctic River Changes
Fuzzing the Linux Kernel
Exact Gravitational Lensing by Rotating Black Holes
Evolution of Viral Infectious Disease
Evaluating Health Benefits of Stricter US Air Quality Standards
Ephemeral Stream Water Contributions to US Drainage Networks
Energy Transport and Ultrafast Spectroscopy Lab
Electron Heating in Kinetic-Alfvén-Wave Turbulence
Discovering Evolution’s Master Switches
Dexterous Robotic Hands
Developing Advanced Materials for a Sustainable Energy Future
Detecting Protein Concentrations in Assays
Denser Environments Cultivate Larger Galaxies
Deciphering Alzheimer's Disease
Dancing Frog Genomes
Cyber-Physical Communication Network Security
Avoiding Smash Hits
Analyzing the Gut Microbiome
Adaptive Deep Learning Systems Towards Edge Intelligence
Accelerating Rendering Power
ACAS X: A Family of Next-Generation Collision Avoidance Systems
Neurocognition at the Wu Tsai Institute, Yale
Computational Modeling of Biological Systems
Computational Molecular Ecology
Social Capital and Economic Mobility
All Research Projects

Collaborative projects

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Outreach & Education Projects

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