Join a conversation on future directions in research computing and cyberinfrastructure in the US northeast (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT, RI, NY, PA, NJ), Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA on September 15th, 8:30AM - 4:30PM.
The MGHPCC is co-sponsoring a regional event series entitled
Conversation on Future Directions In Research Computing and
Cyberinfrastructure In the US Northeast (ME, NH, VT, MA, CT,RI,NY, PA, NJ)
This kickoff event is an interactive workshop, with no charge for participation. The kickoff event is being held at the Westin Hotel, Waltham, MA on September 15th, 8:30AM - 4:30PM. Agenda and logistics details for the event are online at
The meeting is free and open to anyone with relevant interests.
Anyone wishing to present material during one of the two community round-up lightning talk sessions can email presenter
information, a pdf slide, title and one sentence summary of material to
The presenter information, title and summary will be included in the final agenda. The agenda will provide time for everyone who wants to highlight relevant work and interests at the meeting to do so.
This workshop kicks off a three month process aimed at highlighting shared research computing and cyberinfrastructure interests in the
Northeast. The overall process will produce a community-authored online report, articulating potential areas for common cause going forward. Current details of the overall process can be found at
All members of the region’s vibrant research computing and cyberinfrastructure community, spanning academia, non-profit and for profit enterprises, are welcome to participate in this conversation.