The Northeast Research and Education Network's Spring 2019 seminar was held April 5 at the Providence Marriott.
The seminar, the sixth in a series of day-long seminars devoted to proposing and advancing ideas for regional collaboration in research computing and networking kicked off with an update from Barr von Oehsen, Associate Vice President of the Office of Advanced Research Computing (OARC) at Rutgers University on progress building ERN (Eastern Regional Network), a collaboration of regional research and educational networks and their members from the eastern portion of the US seeking to federate high performance computing resources.
The second presentation, given by Abraham Matta, Ph.D., Professor and Chair of Computer Science, Boston University, introduced the GENI (Global Environment for Networking Innovation) Project a virtual laboratory spanning compute resources distributed across the United States.
Thomas A. DeFanti, Ph.D., Research Scientist at UCSD’s Calit2/Qualcomm Institute and Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, University of Illinois then reflected on how lessons learned through building community computing infrastructure on the Pacific Research Platform, might translate to the context of a national platform.
Finally Paul Earsy, Senior Sales Engineer, Confluent shared a deep dive into what makes Apache Kafka® a popular tool for real-time data collecting, delivery, and processing.
A breakout session concluded the meeting.
Presentations were recorded and are available at the webcast link below.
AGENDA | WEBCAST (requires registration)
NEREN is a consortium of non-profit organizations that provide a fiber-optic network connecting and unifying the research and education communities in New York and New England.
Typically NEREN sponsors a twice-yearly seminar intended to foster such collaboration.
Industry sponsors included Intel, Red River, Dell, Mainline Information Systems, Juniper Networks, and Cohesity.
To learn about other events, or if you have questions, please email Laurie Robinson, NEREN Program Administrator, at or by phone: 401-523-5107.
Image credit: G. Silva
NEREN Seminar: “Bridging the Gap: Advancing Regional Collaboration and Research IT Collaboration” MGHPCC News