
Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance

MGHPCC partner, the NSF-funded Expanding Computing Education Pathways (ECEP) Alliance, seeks to facilitate state-level systemic change to improve the quality of computing education and broaden participation in computing.

It has long been recognized that computing, as a field, is strikingly less diverse than the users of the technology it produces, exhibiting a stubbornly enduring gender and underrepresented minority gap often referred to as “the Missing 70%.” Working in 22 states and the territory of Puerto Rico, the ECEP Alliance seeks to increase diversity in computer science education and computing through state-level advocacy, policy reform, and outreach.

Sarah Dunton
ECEP Alliance Director and co-PI

Research projects

The Institute for Experiential AI
ACAS X: A Family of Next-Generation Collision Avoidance Systems
Analyzing the Gut Microbiome
Discovering Evolution’s Master Switches
Surface Behavior
Neurocognition at the Wu Tsai Institute, Yale
Yale Budget Lab
Volcanic Eruptions Impact on Stratospheric Chemistry & Ozone
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Collaborative projects

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Outreach & Education Projects

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100 Bigelow Street, Holyoke, MA 01040