This story originally appeared in BU Today The Modular Approach to Cloud Security (MACS) project will use the Massachusetts Open Cloud based at MGHPCC as a testbed.
This story originally appeared in BU Today The Modular Approach to Cloud Security (MACS) project will use the Massachusetts Open Cloud based at MGHPCC as a testbed.
Read this story at Hotspots are a pain in the CRAC, leading some data centers to implement source-of-heat cooling and software tools that redistribute workloads across servers. MGHPCC is in the vanguard.
Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC In this video meet seed-fund collaborators Markus Buehler (MIT) and Alain Karma (Northeastern) who use multiscale modeling to explore and test how biological materials like bone or nacre can, despite their apparent fragility, resist breakage.
On Friday, in the Western Massachusetts town of Holyoke, Governor Deval Patrick and officials from industry, government and academia joined together for the official launch of a $3 million capital investment, known as the Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC) project. Read this story at HPCwire
HOLYOKE -- Gov. Deval L. Patrick said here Friday the state will invest $3 million in launching a public "cloud" computing project for data storage and innovation. The state's money will be matched $16 million from universities and private companies, he said, at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center on Bigelow Street.
A pilot project by UMass Amherst researchers led by Professor Prashant Shanoy, using high performance computing to analyze detailed usage records from tens of thousands of smart meters installed in and around Holyoke, could help lead to lower domestic electricity costs. Read this story at
From ResearchNext the Research Digest of UMass Amherst Statistical, life science, and social science researchers gathered for a workshop on “Data Sciences for the Life Sciences in a High Performance Computing Environment” in February: the first formal opportunity for the researchers to learn how to effectively utilize the MGHPCC facility.
Following up on the announcement earlier this week that using the BICEP2 telescope (coupled to MGHPCC!!) researchers now have the first strong evidence of “cosmic inflation” at the birth of our universe, MIT physicist Alan Guth explains how these new results bolster his 1980 theory of cosmic inflation.
From ResearchNext the Research Digest of UMass Amherst UMass Amherst computer scientist Prashant Shenoy and electrical and computer engineer David Irwin are leading a team of researchers focused on analyzing smart meters and other tools that could transform the way energy is utilized, monitored, and controlled in America’s buildings, which currently comprise 75% of the […]
As part of January activities at MIT and at Harvard, two sets of classes brought students onto the MGHPCC systems to learn about computing technologies and about research areas that employ them.
Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC Supernovae have long been an object of fascination for astronomers and astrophysicists. They are the incredible explosions that take place at the end of a star's life cycle, and are among the brightest objects in the sky. Robert Fisher, a professor of astrophysics based at UMass Dartmouth, models their […]
Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change (JPSPGC) seeks to combine scientific research on changes to land, air, and water with innovative policy analysis to confront the global climate challenge. Underpinning their scientific research efforts are complex computer models of many kinds, models that until […]
Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC Supercomputing 2013 (SC13), the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, took place in Denver CO, November 17-22, 2013.
Silicon Mechanics announced that it is sponsoring the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) in the Student Cluster Competition at the SC13 Conference & Exhibition, taking place November 17-22, 2013, in Denver, CO.
Late this summer, when Lincoln Laboratory scientists and engineers log onto their interactive parallel computing cluster, LLGrid, they will be connecting to MGHPCC 90 miles away in Holyoke, Mass., former textile-manufacturing hub on the Connecticut River. Read this story by Dorothy Ryan, Lincoln Laboratory at MIT News.
Forward looking on-demand life science system, aims to boost regional industry academia collaborations around data driven biology and in life science innovation. Read this story by Naila Moreira in the Boston Globe.
Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC An MGHPCC seed fund award allowed Professor Pierre Lermusiaux and collaborators to develop multi-scale models of the marine environment off the New England coast designed to talk to one-another and interface with real-time observations.
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) has received a $4.54 million grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) for a supercomputer system to be used for research in the life sciences. HPCWire
Holyoke Community College will get $3.8 million to support the renovation of 13,000 square feet of lab space and the opening of a Center for Life Sciences. Boston Business Journal