The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) receives a $4.54 million grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) for a computer system to be used for research in the life sciences.
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) receives a $4.54 million grant from the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center (MLSC) for a computer system to be used for research in the life sciences.
Read this story about MGHPCC seed fund research at BU Today. In this article, MGHPCC 2012 seed grant recipients Jonathan Appavoo (BU) and Ellen Grant (Boston Children's Hospital) share their cloud enabled fetal neuro-imaging application.
Story by Helen Hill for MGHPCC News The operating model for MGHPCC is as a specialized landlord for computers from the 5 partner universities. The building provides state of the art facilities to house, power, climate-control and connect, tailored to the needs of big data users on different campuses. With the ribbon cutting behind us […]
MGHPCC Awards $500,000 in Second Round of Seed Grants for Collaborative Research in Array of Scientific Disciplines. The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) has announced six seed-fund awards to support collaborative, cross-institutional research among MGHPCC partners. The awards span a wide array of research areas and bring together academics from the five MGHPCC universities (BU, Harvard, M.I.T, […]
Press Release Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Department Office of Governor Deval L. Patrick Press Release
The second video in our series profiling MGHPCC seed fund collaborations by Helen Hill The human genome is made up of 3 billion base pairs. Reading the genome from a modern, high-speed sequencer is a lot like doing a big jigsaw puzzle. Computer Scientist, Assistant Professor Yanlei Diao (UMass Amherst) is leading a multi institution […]
The MGHPCC consortium hosted a workshop, held on September 14, 2012 at the Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science and Engineering at Boston University, to provide an overview and update of the MGHPCC, short talks by 2011 MGHPCC seed-fund recipients, and an overview and discussion of the 2012 seed-fund program.
The first video in a new series profiling MGHPCC seed fund collaborations by Helen Hill The MGHPCC seed fund is allowing Alfredo Alexander Katz (Material Science, MIT) and Alán Aspuru-Guzik (Quantum Chemistry, Harvard) to combine computational techniques from materials science with computational thinking from quantum chemistry. In this video Alfredo and Alán describe more about […]
MGHPCC is more than just a building. It is also intended as an engine for future research. To seed interest in and raise awareness of the new facility, last summer the research committee posted a call for funding proposals to the high performance computing communities of MIT, Harvard, BU, UMASS and Northeastern. After careful deliberation, […]
The 2011 MGHPCC Seed Fund RFP is soliciting research proposals for computer and computational science. Pre-proposals are due October 1st, 2011. A total of $500K is available with anticipated award sizes in the range of $50K - $150K. Proposals must involve investigators from two or more of Boston University, Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Northeastern University and […]
Boston University, June 28, 2011, Faculty from the five MGHPCC universities and other institutions gather for a New England Faculty Summit on Cybersecurity to discuss the possibility (and next steps) for setting up a regional academic consortium on Cyber Security research and education.
MGHPCC co-sponsors Workshop on Immunology for Physical Scientists and Engineers held at BU. MGHPCC News
Billed as an "unconference where early adapters of Cloud Computing technologies exchange ideas", CloudCamp 2010 was a forum for open discussion around cloud computing. Aimed at end users, IT professionals and vendors Cloudcamp 2010 took place in the Andrew M. Scibelli Enterprise Center, Springfield Community College.