The HPC Day conference provides a showcase of computational research in science, engineering, and computer science research being carried out in the New England area. Co-sponsored by the MGHPCC, this full-day conference which took place this year on May 21, 2019 at UMass Lowell featured speakers from leading research and education institutes across the region.
This year's keynote speaker was Kirk Jordan (IBM) with a presentation entitled "Data Centric Systems: Algorithm Exploitation & Evolving AI/Cognitive Examples".
Speaking the morning session was Mark Hempstead (Tufts University) "Workload Characterization Tools for Every Need: From Architecture Agnostic Classification of Communication to Trace-based Simulation of Multi-Threaded Workloads", Stephen de Bruyn Kops (UMass Amherst) "Why huge simulations are invaluable for understanding fluid flow physics", and Mary Jo Ondrechen (Northeastern University) "Electrostatic networks in natural enzymes: What can we learn for protein engineering?"
After a lunch sponsored by Dell EMC, after speakers included Julia Levites (NVIDIA) "GPU Hackathons – accelerating applications through hands-on experience and collaboration", Stratis Ioannidis (Northeastern University) "Distributing Frank-Wolfe via Map-Reduce", Nurit Haspel (UMass Boston) "Detecting Large Scale Chromosomal Rearrangements: A big data challenge", Noah Van Dam (UMass Lowell) "Using HPC for engine and fuel spray simulations", Maricris Mayes (UMass Dartmouth) "Quantum chemical study of the initial-assembly of aromatic dipeptides into nanosturectures for biomedical applications", Benoit Forget (MIT) "High-fidelity nuclear reactor simulations and the need for Exascale computing", and Dmitry Korkin (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) "Frozen: Finding genomic elements that are extremely conserved in evolution using cache-oblivious computing".
This year the prize for best-poster presentation went to
Djeneba Kassambara (University of Massachusetts Lowell) "Accurate Numerical Solutions of Helmholtz Equations Using Layered Media Green's Function."
The other poster presentations were:
Michael Dave Barquilla 9University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
"Theoretical Study on the Gas- and Aqueous-Phase Photodegradation and Thermal Decomposition Channels of Pyruvic Acid"
Valentin Boutrouche (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
"Dynamics of Pattern Formation in Arc Discharges"
Rasool Elahi (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
"Enhanced solar radiation absorption by carbon dioxide in thermodynamic nonequilibrium: A computational study"
Andrew Judell-Halfpenny (University of Massachusetts Boston)
"The Tailor RNA-Seq pipeline for De Novo Disease Biomarker Discovery"
James Kuczynski (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
"Efficient Distributed Computing with Heterogeneous Clusters"
Peng Liang (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
"Coupled Plasma-Electrode Simulation of the Chemical and Thermal Non-Equilibrium Free-Burning Arc"
Braegan Spring (University of Massachusetts Amherst)
"A SPIKE banded linear system package"
Vishal Tiwari (University of Massachusetts Dartmouth)
"Three Dimensional Dynamically Driven Double-Degenerate Double-Detonation Simulations for Type Ia Supernova"
Caleb Traylor (University of Massachusetts Lowell)
"Computational Analysis of Wind Turbine Blade Acoustics for Structural Health Monitoring"
The conference was hosted by the Mathematical Sciences Department at UMass Lowell in collaboration with and support from the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC), and several industry partners including NVIDIA Dell EMC, and SIAM.
Story image credit: the Ondrechen Lab, Northeastern University
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